SCF - Sparks Christian Fellowship
SCF stands for Sparks Christian Fellowship
Here you will find, what does SCF stand for in Religious under Community category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sparks Christian Fellowship? Sparks Christian Fellowship can be abbreviated as SCF What does SCF stand for? SCF stands for Sparks Christian Fellowship. What does Sparks Christian Fellowship mean?Sparks Christian Fellowship is an expansion of SCF
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Alternative definitions of SCF
- sectional center facility
- Super Critical Fluid
- Switched Capacitor Frequency
- Services To Children And Families
- Standard Cubic Feet
- Standard Cubic Foot
- Skin Cancer Foundation
- Student Christian Fellowship
View 147 other definitions of SCF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SBC Scandinavian Business Certification
- SRL Shea Racing LLC
- SNBI Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute
- SRE Scarlet Real Estate
- SGS Shell Gasoline Station
- SCM Soar Case Management
- SOS Stage One Storyboards
- SVWDB Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development Board
- SBA Studio Bondy Architecture
- SAL Smart Autos Limited
- SGL Storm Guidance Limited
- SCCR Science Café Czech Republic
- SCOORA Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
- SCU Shipbuilders Credit Union
- SESA Scanner Editorial S.A.
- SWC Shavers Whittle Construction
- SEC Select Exterminating Co.
- SRI Sun Research Institute
- SCINA Survival Craft Inspectorate Norge As